Author Archives: Glenys

About Glenys

A writer with a passion for God, my family and children's ministry.

Celebrating the Release of Easter Love Letters from God

Here’s me, wearing my favorite hat, holding my favorite book…

Easter Love Letters from God, the fifth title in this best-selling series, is now available! To celebrate its release, I have two exciting announcements to share: Continue reading

A Three Book Giveaway of Easter Love Letters from God

Yay! The time has arrived! With just one week left until publication of Easter Love Letters from God, my publisher, Zonderkidz, is offering a THREE-BOOK GIVEAWAY! 

Inside the pages of this interactive book, you will find seven stories and seven lift-the-flap love letters from God, each of which can be personally addressed to your child. Last week I shared some of my favorite excerpts from the stories, but here’s a peek inside one of my favorite letters… Continue reading

Your First Peek Inside Easter Love Letters from God

As an author, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of opening your new book for the very first time, reading the words you wrote and taking in every minute detail of the illustrations, drawn so beautifully by the brilliant Sophie Allsopp.

Easter Love Letters from God, the fifth book in the series, will be in bookstores in less than two weeks but if, like me, you just can’t wait to open it, here’s your sneak peek inside its pages, with some of my favorite extracts and pictures…. Continue reading

Announcing the Winners, and More Exciting News…

Wow! Over 100 people entered the giveaway of the lovely picture book, Maybe God is Like That Too.

And the two winners, who are going to be as happy as this boy from the book are…. Continue reading

One Of My Favorite Books From 2017, and a Giveaway!

Out of all the wonderful children’s picture books I read in 2017, one stands out.

Maybe God is Like That Too, written by author Jennifer Grant and published by Sparkhouse Family, is a lovely little tale of a boy who wonders where God is and his wise grandma, who shows him.

Maybe it’s because I have ‘God conversations’ with my little six-year-old grandson, just like the characters in the story, or maybe it’s because I was lucky enough to meet the author at a Writer’s Conference where she signed my copy, but either way, this book is a favorite.

Told by a young boy, the book begins: Continue reading

A Glance Back at 2017 and a Peek Forward to 2018

Here’s a little trip down memory lane, with my top author highlights from 2017, plus a teeny hint at what’s coming for 2018…

APRIL 2017:

Girls’ Love Letters from God, the fourth book in the popular Love Letters from God series hits the shelves. and it’s even read by mermaids!

Continue reading

A Christmas Eve Memory from my Childhood in England, PLUS my Five Minutes of TV Fame!

It’s Christmas Eve…

many, many, many years ago.

There’s no snow in the air, but there IS a certain magic, dancing in the dark night skies outside our bedroom window. We have our noses scrunched against the glass. And we’re peering out, into the blackness, my siblings and I.

And suddenly a cry goes up: Continue reading

What People are Saying About ‘Twas the Evening of Christmas, and the FINAL Giveaway!

It’s hard to believe, but we have reached the end of our blog tour for ‘Twas the Evening of ChristmasThere’s just one last chance to win this premium picture book! Head over to my colleague’s blog, at DeDe Reilly, leave a comment there, and if you win, your book will be on your doorstep just in time for Christmas.

In the meantime, if you own ‘Twas the Evening of Christmas, you might have noticed that this book is dedicated to my wonderful husband, David, without whom I would never have been an author. You can read David’s story here.

And what are people saying about ‘Twas the Evening of Christmas? Here’s some of my favorite words from the  84 Amazon reviews… (Do you think I’ll reach my goal of 100 before Christmas?) Continue reading

A Lovely Surprise in the Mail, and A Brand New Giveaway of ‘Twas the Evening of Christmas

A lovely surprise was lying in wait for me the other day.

I opened the mailbox to find a little brown envelope full of letters from a first grade class at Byron Center Christian School. They were among the 350 students who listened so carefully as I read ‘Twas the Evening of Christmas and Snuggle Time Christmas Stories  to them.

But they weren’t just good listeners. They were excellent observers too, as can be seen by this wonderfully accurate depiction of me, by Natalie.

Don’t you just love my red lipstick? And look at my necklace, my blonde hair, my lovely boots, the way I’m holding the book, and how all the children are listening so intently: the boys on the left, and the girls on the right?

Here’s another lovely picture of me, drawn by Mya, who I assume is the very good listener, sitting cross-legged at my side… Continue reading

A Joint Author/Illustrator Interview, and a new Giveaway of ‘Twas the Evening of Christmas

One of the questions I’m most often asked at Writers’ Conferences is:

How do you find an illustrator for your book?

The simple answer is, I don’t. My publisher does. My job is to write the words, and Zonderkidz’ job is to find the illustrator. And what a treasure they found in Russian artist Elena Selivanova!

Publishers Weekly describes her work in ‘Twas the Evening of Christmas as: Continue reading