Author Archives: Glenys

About Glenys

A writer with a passion for God, my family and children's ministry.

A Ten Minute Interview with Radio Host Shelley Irwin, and a New Giveaway of ‘Twas the Evening of Christmas

Glenys, are you available for an interview on WGVU Radio with Shelley Irwin next Thursday?

This little invitation, courtesy of my wonderful publisher, Zonderkidz, popped up in my inbox a few days ago. It was a no-brainer. What author wouldn’t want to chat to Shelley Irwin, the well-known NPR host, five-time Gracie Allen Award winner and one of Michigan’s top 50 Influential Women?

Of course I’m available. Who wouldn’t be?

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Thanksgiving in the Woods: Book Review and Giveaway

Written for children aged 4-8, Thanksgiving in the Woods is a lovely new title from Sparkhouse Publishing that tells the true story of a unique Thanksgiving celebration.

For more than twenty years, one family living in upstate New York has hosted an outdoor Thanksgiving feast in the woods on their farm. This is author Phyllis Alsdurf’s autobiographical story of this heart-warming celebration… Continue reading

The Beauty of a British Accent. (And ‘Twas Giveaway Number Four)

Everyone who lives in England knows that there are two major accents: one is highly desirable. It’s somehow synonymous with wealth and intelligence. The other is highly undesirable. It’s sadly synonymous with poverty and lack of education.

Unfortunately, my accent belongs in the latter category, while Queen Elizabeth’s belongs in the former.

I grew up in Wigan (John Wesley called it Wicked Wigan) a town in the industrial north, home of coal mines and cotton mills. Whenever we went on holiday to the south and I opened my mouth to talk, I was always uncomfortably aware that I was a northener. 

Imagine my surprise, then, when I moved to the United States and people loved the way I spoke. I could hardly believe it! Michigan has to be the only place in the world where it’s cool to have a Wigan accent.  Continue reading

‘Tis an Exciting Stop in the ‘Twas Blog Hop… and Did I Say, a Giveaway?

Just in case you didn’t know, I’m taking part in an 11-week tour to celebrate the release of Twas the Evening of Christmas. But here’s the thing… I don’t need to pack any clothes, or jump on a jet or even drive anywhere. In fact, I won’t ever have to leave the comfort of my own home.

This tour is a virtual one, courtesy of the internet, where eleven different folks from far-flung states such as Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Texas and New York are writing about my latest release.

From homeschooling mums to authors; from reviewers to Children’s Ministers, these eleven folks are sharing their thoughts about the book, and offering a giveaway of this new Christmas title at every stop, courtesy of my wonderful publishers, Zonderkidz.

And today, I’m super excited, because this stop is different from all the rest… Continue reading

On Brand New Babies, and Books, and Awful, Ugly, One Star Reviews…

So my brand-new, precious baby is just one week old today. She was formed inside me a long, long time ago.

As soon as that seed began to take shape and develop, I watched over her like any proud parent would. I nurtured her growth at every single stage. Sometimes I would get tiny, tantalizing peeks into what she would be like, and anticipation would build.

And then, the glorious day came when I welcomed her into the world! She arrived! I got to hold her for the first time, turn her over, and examine every minute and marvelous detail.

As crazy as it may seem, when an author welcomes a brand-new book into the world, it feels as though that book is borne from your being; those pages are part of who you are; every sentence that you painstakingly penned and prayed over are ones that somehow spilled out from the center of your soul.

Which is why, as author Alison Hodgson alluded to so humorously and hauntingly at the Breathe Writers Conference, when someone writes a review such as the one that I’m about to share, it’s tantamount to announcing to the author that your precious, brand-new baby is UGLY… Continue reading

Happy Birthday to ‘Twas the Evening of Christmas!

Happy Birthday to ‘Twas the Evening of Christmas!

This premium picture book, that echoes the familiar rhythm and rhyme of Clement C Moore’s classic, was officially published today! And if you were to pop over to Amazon, not only can you now peek inside, but you’ll also be able to admire the lovely, bright orange #1 New Release banner flying high above it.  In case you don’t believe me, here’s the picture to prove it: (I just know it won’t be there long, so you have to take the photo fast! 🙂 )

Now if you happen to own this book already, I would love you forever if you might consider posting even a one sentence review on Amazon. Every single review helps me. (Especially if it happens to be a five-star 🙂 ).

But if you don’t own the book, do not worry… I have some good news!  Continue reading

How I Found God in my Diet

I was born skinny.

Well, maybe that’s a lie. I was, in fact, the largest of my mum’s eight babies, weighing in at a whopping 10 pounds. But the joke in my family for a long time was that I’ve never put any weight on since.

It’s true though, that through no merit of my own, I managed to give birth to four children and then shrink, almost immediately, back to my previous slim self. The same skinny jeans that I’d discarded a few months prior slid easily over my hips without too much trouble. And I continued in that same skinny vein for years and years. If you don’t believe me, here’s a 1990’s picture to prove it… Continue reading

Announcing the Winners of Grit and Grace

Thank you so much to everyone who entered the giveaway of Caryn Rivadeneira’s Grit and Grace .

Two lucky people will be adding this wonderful title to their bookshelves! And the winners are…… Continue reading

Q & A with Caryn Rivadeneira, Author of Grit and Grace, and a Giveaway!

Ever since I penned Girls’ Love Letters from God, I’ve had a fascination with the women of the Bible. So when I saw a new book called Grit and Grace appear on the bookshelves, I was intrigued.

To begin with, I was drawn in by the awesome title, and when I discovered that its publisher was Sparkhouse, whose curriculum I use every Sunday morning, I knew I wanted to learn more. Continue reading

Eek, Eek, Take a Peek… Inside Snuggle Time Christmas!

It was a hop-up-and-down day when my first copy of this gorgeous, glittery little book arrived on the doorstep. And even though the trees behind are still clinging on to their leaves, and even though that blue lake in the distance isn’t frozen yet, I have to tell you the shocking news that it’s actually only 109 days until Christmas!

So, for all you early shoppers, here’s a peek inside the perfect little gift that tells the story of Jesus’ birth in thirteen poems.  Continue reading