Author Archives: Glenys

About Glenys

A writer with a passion for God, my family and children's ministry.

Announcing the Winners!

Thank you, thank you, to everyone who entered the three-book giveaway of Love Letters from God, and thank you to my awesome publisher, Zonderkidz, for providing the books. Who won?

Listen to this video announcement to find out! Continue reading

A Three-Book Giveaway to Celebrate My Three-Year Anniversary!

It’s hard to believe, but on this day three years ago, a dream came true: I somehow, against all the odds, and beyond the realm of all I ever thought possible, became an author. On 26th August, 2014, my first children’s book was published, despite the fact that I gave up on the manuscript when I was half-way through.

It’s even harder to believe that this little book would become a series of five, that it would inspire another series of books, and become the catalyst for twelve more titles. But it did. And what better way to celebrate than a giveaway!

I have THREE brand-new copies of Love Letters from God to give away, and three easy ways to win: Continue reading

The Boy in The White Hat: Where is He Now?

A few weeks ago, we celebrated my grandson turning four years old. It was the first time the four cousins had been together. This picture captures their joy, and perhaps you can imagine mine…

I love the way they are holding hands. I love their hats!

These are the children in my world: these are the ones I can influence for good; these are the ones I can be a good example to; these are the ones I can teach to love and respect all human beings so that they can do their part to bring love and light into this world of ours.

Then there’s this: Continue reading

A Five Book Giveaway of This Premium Picture Book That Just Arrived on my Doorstep

EEK! Look what arrived on my doorstep a few days ago! This, ladies and gentlemen, is the first copy of Twas the Evening of Christmas, a brand new, premium picture book with a cover “that comes alive with foil and sculpted embossing.” (Thank you, Zonderkidz, for that lovely description!)

It was a boiling hot 85 degrees, as I perched the book on the table outside and took this photo…

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Possibly the Two Greatest Things That Children Could Ever Learn… Taking Place in a United Methodist Church

It was early on Tuesday morning when my phone beeped with an unexpected blessing. It was a little message from a children’s ministry colleague in Ohio. Kathy and I have never actually met.

‘Hi Glenys’, the message read, ‘our congregation hosts a summer literacy program in July called Camp Read-A-Lot. Each week we give books to the children to take home and keep for their own, mostly donated gently used books. This year we received a donation in memory of a local high school librarian to purchase a special book for each child. I was so excited to be able to purchase Love Letters from God from Church Source and a price that enabled us to purchase 170 copies! … I’m writing to you as I am wondering if you would be willing to share a few words of encouragement with our Camp Read-A-Lot kids…’

Wow!  Would I be willing to share a few words of encouragement with the Camp Read-A-Lot kids? You bet! These children, gathered together in a United Methodist church in Ohio, are learning two of the most wonderful things in life: how to read, and how to know Jesus.

So I grabbed my phone, texted my bestie, and two hours later, we were sitting by a little lake in the sunshine, making this video… Continue reading

When a Lovely Surprise Lands on Your Doorstep…

It was sitting there, quietly, waiting for me this morning as I opened the front door. A small brown box, enjoying the sunshine, snuggled up next to the purple petunias, labeled HarperCollins Christian Publishing. 

Ooh…how exciting. The only thing that I would be more excited to find sitting on the doorstep would be my grandchildren. But I wasn’t expecting any books. What could it be?

Can you believe it.. there, hiding under the bubble wrap, lay eight copies of Snuggle Time Prayers and Snuggle Time Psalms… in KOREAN!

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Announcing the Winner and What’s Coming Next…

Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway of my 2018 new releases: God Made Mommy Special and God Made Daddy Special.

Congratulations Chickie Brewer! I’m thrilled that you won, but I do hope you can be as patient as our Mommy Snail…

You’ll have to wait a while, but your books will be on their way to you as soon as they are published… in February next year!

Now for those of you who didn’t win, get ready to enter the soon-to-be-advertised giveaways for these two new Christmas titles, coming October 3rd 2017: Continue reading

Cover Reveal Times Two, Plus YOUR Chance to Win These Two New Titles!

Hurrah! The day has arrived when I can reveal the covers of my brand new children’s books, coming to a bookstore near you early next spring:

Meet God Made Mommy Special and God Made Daddy Special.

These two engaging padded cover board books celebrate the special bond between animal parents and their little ones. Whether it’s Mommy Deer, Mommy Hamster, Daddy Bat or Daddy Lion, they all have one thing in common: these parents love their babies!

Each book closes with a celebration of the love between human parent and child, because even though God made all mommies and daddies special, there’s none as special as YOURS!

Here’s an excerpt from one of my favorite poems from the pages of the Daddy book, and your chance to peek at the adorable illustrations by Estelle Corke:  Continue reading

The Final Girls’ Book Giveaway, and a Very Exciting Announcement…

Well, I must say that I had such a fun time at the Princess Party, hosted by Baker Book House. This is my favorite picture of the day…

And although it was fun to wear a tiara (I haven’t worn one since I got married 35 years ago) and although it was great to see all the tutus, what was really wonderful was to be able to read the story of Queen Esther from my new Love Letters book to these young girls, and to reinforce that the life of a princess is not all glitz and glamour, but can be hard work and dedication. (For a real-life example, just look at the late Princess Diana.) Continue reading

The Fun of Before and After… and yet Another Giveaway!

There’s something fun about Before & After photos. Almost always, when you see these pictures, it’s good news.

Whether it’s a friend who lost an impressive amount of weight, or someone who transformed their home or yard into something amazing, Before & After photos have the power to inspire.

So, just for fun, I’m sharing MY Before & After pictures, of the book table I set up at a recent conference.

Here’s the before…

And here’s the after… Continue reading