Author Archives: Glenys

About Glenys

A writer with a passion for God, my family and children's ministry.

Calling All Princesses… to a Princess Party, and a Book Giveaway!

Now, it might be totally my imagination… but don’t you think Princess Charlotte is just a tad like my own little princess?

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What People Are Saying About Love Letters from God; Bible Stories for a Girl’s Heart, Plus Another Giveaway!

When your new book stays at the Number One New Release spot on Amazon for over three weeks, and it quickly reaches 50 five-star reviews, I call it the Ephesians 3:20 principle:

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! Ephesians 3:20, The Message.

Here’s a few of my favorite quotes from those reviews, plus another opportunity to win Love Letters from God: Bible Stories for a Girl’s Heart,

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Fabulous News About Love Letters, and Another Giveaway to Enter!

Interrupting this week to bring you some fabulous news…

If you are a fan of the Love Letter Series (which I do hope you are!) you will already know that the unique beauty of these books lies in the lift-the-flap love letters from God, where you can write your child’s very own name. I don’t know ANYONE, be they child or adult, who doesn’t enjoy personally addressed mail.

It’s really not too onerous to write your child’s name in each letter. But what if I told you that this could already be done for you, in a beautiful font that matches the book? What if you could easily upload a photograph of your child to go inside the cover? What if you could include a personal message, printed professionally? Drum roll please… Continue reading

How One Girls’ Group is Using Love Letters from God: Bible Stories for a Girl’s Heart, Plus a Giveaway…

Meet The Sweet Sisters Discipleship group…

Although only four are pictured here, this group is made up of eight girls, aged between 8 and 10 years old. Recently, their mentor, Kristi, the fourth participator in my blog tour, introduced them to Love Letters from God: Bible Stories for a Girl’s Heartand then wrote about their experience with it… Continue reading

What I Want My Granddaughter To Know…

Meet Colette, my first granddaughter.

This little girl, with the pony-tail tuft bouncing around on top of her head, is full of personality and fun. She’s not yet two years old,  but already she can hold Grandma’s new book the right way round, lift the flaps, and see the pictures. It will be quite a while before she can read the words. But when she does, I want her to know that for every hero in the Bible, there’s always a heroine… Continue reading

Introducing Easter Love Letters from God!

It’s early in the morning on this Holy Saturday, and if you’re like me, you must be wondering just what was happening in that quiet Jerusalem cave. Perhaps it was something like this…

The Quiet Cave

Jesus had died. Joseph and Nicodemus were sad. They carefully took Jesus’ body down from the cross. They cleaned him. They wrapped his body in strips of white linen and carried him to a quiet cave on the hillside. They laid Jesus down inside the cave. Then they said goodbye. Before they left, they rolled a big stone over the entrance.

Outside the cave, two guards kept watch. The big heavy stone was sealed in place. And for three whole days, all was still.

But inside that quiet cave God was working. If you tried to peek inside, you couldn’t see anything. No eye could see it. If you stood outside and put your ear to the big stone, you couldn’t hear anything. No ear could hear it. If you tried to imagine what was happening you couldn’t. No mind could imagine it. But inside, God was doing something utterly amazing. Something only God could do. Jesus waited. And the world held its breath and waited with him.

Excerpted from the newest title in the Love Letters series, Easter Love Letters from God, coming January 2018 and now available for preorder.

Giveaway Winner Announced, and News of Ten More Giveaways!

A huge thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway of Love Letters from God: Bible Stories for a Girl’s Heart.

This little book has been out for just one week now, and, amazingly, it’s still at the number one New Release spot for Children’s Bible Stories on Amazon!

And the winner is… drum roll please… Continue reading

Publication Day! Let’s Celebrate With a Giveaway!

It’s here! It’s here! Today is publication day for Love Letters from God: Bible Stories for a Girl’s Heart. (Did you know it’s at the number one New Release spot on Amazon)! It’s like holding a brand new baby!

What shall we do to celebrate? Continue reading

Mary, The Happy Girl: The Final Part in a Seven-Week Bible Study for Women

It’s hard to believe, but we have reached the final part of our Bible study based on Love Letters from God: Bible Stories for a Girl’s HeartThis book will be published TOMORROW! I feel like the woman in our Bible story for today…..happy! But, of course, Mary Magdalene had so much more to sing about than a new book release… Jesus, the King of the world, and the Lord of her life had just been released from the grave. Let’s tiptoe to that quiet hillside with Mary and see what she sees…

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The Grateful Girl: Part Six in a Seven-Week Bible Study For Women

Welcome! I’m so glad you’re joining us for this seven-week Bible study based on Love Letters from God: Bible Stories for a Girl’s Heart. We’ll be studying the lives of seven incredible New Testament women. It’s the perfect way to journey through Lent together.

The Grateful Girl: Mary Anoints Jesus’ Feet

Read: John 12:1-8

It seems as if every time we meet Mary of Bethany, she’s at the feet of Jesus.

Two weeks ago, we met her sitting there, listening to his every word, and this week, we’ll find her not just sitting at his feet, but kneeling, as she takes his feet in her hands and anoints them. It’s one brave, bold, beautiful act for the man she loves and is soon to lose.


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