Author Archives: Glenys

About Glenys

A writer with a passion for God, my family and children's ministry.

Celebrating the Birthday of Little Mole Finds Hope with a Three-Book Giveaway!

It’s a very Happy Book Birthday to Little Mole Finds Hope so I thought I’ d dress up as him to celebrate…

This brave little mole, who sometimes feels sad and doesn’t know why, has finally burrowed out of his hole and made his way onto a bookshelf near you! And we have three brand-new copies away!

Read on for your chance to win this book, but first, just in case you’re wondering what this new picture book is all about, let me share one of my favorite reviews, from children’s author Matthew Paul Turner, who said:

A wonderful story about discovering beauty and light amid sad feelings and dark places, this book is a gift to both children and parents. With adorably vivid illustrations and tangible descriptions of hope that kids will understand, Little Mole Finds Hope will bring love, light, and curious conversations to every family’s bedtime reading.

Thank you, Matthew, for those lovely words! And now, here’s a peek inside the book, via the one minute video, news of a ten-week blog hop, and your rules for entering the giveaway…

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Breakfast With Jesus, by Vanessa Myers: Book Review and Giveaway

As a Christian author, I reluctantly have to admit that I sometimes break the 10th commandment, which is… thou shalt not covet.

But how can I not think, as I pick up  Vanessa Myer’s new book… I wish I’d written this?

This lovely new family devotional is based on the simple premise that just as Jesus shared breakfast with his disciples, he also wants to share breakfast with you!  Continue reading

A Four-Book Giveaway of Little Mole Finds Hope

I’m so excited to announce a four-book giveaway of Little Mole Finds Hope, the first title in an adorable new series published by Beaming Books. Releasing on February 4th and written for children aged 3-6 years, the illustrations by Sally Garland are just precious!

When Little Mole is feeling sad in his dark, underground home, Mama takes him on a journey to find hope. Together, they find it, even when it’s hiding in the darkest place…

Take a peek at these lovely excerpts… Continue reading

Good News: Announcing a Ten-Week Blog Tour With Giveaways!

To celebrate the release of my two new board books, Good News! God Made Me!  and Good News! It’s Christmas! I’ll be embarking on a ten-week blog tour! 

From October through December, these two new board books will be reviewed by children’s pastors, homeschooling parents, and authors, all of whom are passionate about children’s literature.

At each stop there’ll be a giveaway of Good News! God Made Me! which will be open to residents of the USA, UK and Canada, and will be sponsored by Our Daily Bread publishers. 

Visit the links below to enter!

Oct 7: Mary Costello:            Children’s Lit Love
Oct 14: Amy:                         Raising Little Disciples
Oct 21: Liz Millay:                Steadfast Family
Oct 28: Deborah:                 A Delightful Glow
Nov 4: Natalie Thompson: Living by the Page
Nov 11: Bethany:                Mom of Wild Things
Nov 18: Christie Thomas:  Christie Thomas Writer
Nov 25: Laura Thomas:    Laura Thomas Writer
Dec 2: Kayla:                      Baby Devotions
Dec 9: Julia Ball:                Ministry Mom


Celebrating the Book Birthday of Good News! God Made Me! & Good News! It’s Christmas! With A Three Book Giveaway!

It’s a very Happy Book Birthday to the next two titles in the popular Good News seriesGood News! God Made Me! and Good News! It’s Christmas release today!

Published by Our Daily Bread, here’s your first peek inside these two endearing board books, plus your chance to win one of three copies of Good News! God Made Me!

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Announcing a Ten-Week Blog Tour for The Wonder That is You; Ten Chances to Win the Book and Four Book Launch Events!

To celebrate the release of The Wonder That is You I’ll be embarking on a ten-week blog tour, all from the comfort of my own home!

Each week from now until September this premium picture book, that captures the universal joy parents feel when welcoming a new child into the family, will be reviewed by bloggers, children’s pastors, parents and authors who will each offer a giveaway of the book. That means ten chances to win!

Mark your calendars now for the first stop on Monday July 22nd with Natalie Thompson at Living by the Page.


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A Three-Book Giveaway of The Wonder That is You

With just two weeks until the publication of The Wonder That is You I’m excited to partner with Zonderkidz to bring you a three-book giveaway!

But first, let me share some of the wonderful feedback I’m receiving from those who’ve read advanced copies. Based on the true story of my eldest son’s birth, this book captures the universal joy parents feel when welcoming a new child into the family.

But although it makes the perfect gift for new parents, this book is reaching into the hearts of women of all ages, who are finding that its words take them back to the time when they held their own little ones…

Your words describe how I felt holding my baby Hannah….”I almost thought my heart would burst with all the love inside”….25 years later and those moments are still so clear. CAROL

The lyrical text brought me back to the time, many years ago, when my eldest daughter was born.  AMY

I started to read it and in the first couple of pages I just wanted to get one for each of my grown kids! It really reminded me of the wonder and preciousness your own new baby brings… DEBI

Oh my word this book was all I hoped for and then some….All those excited feelings of a new baby just came rushing back. So lovely. FAYELLE

It makes me so happy to know that others are connecting with the book in this way! And now for the giveaway details…

If you’ve entered some of my giveaways before you’ll know that I always have three copies to give away.. one right here on my website, one on Facebook and one on Instagram. You can enter on each platform for multiple entries.

Here’s your entry rules:

  • Leave a comment here on my website, under this post, telling me who you would share the book with.
  • Leave a comment under this post on my Facebook Author Page.
  • Share this post on Facebook. (Let me know in the comments!)
  • Enter on Instagram.
  • Bonus Entry: Tag a friend on Facebook.

That’s it! The Instagram winner will be announced on Friday July 12th. Facebook & website winners announced Monday July 15th.

  • PLEASE NOTE: Entrants must live in the USA and have a physical street address (no PO boxes.)


Preoder Your Copy!

Claim your Preorder Bonus Bundle!

Three Exciting Announcements about The Wonder That is You, Including your Preorder Bonus Bundle!

It’s hard to believe, but my new picture book, The Wonder That is You  hits the shelves in just three weeks!

In preparation for its release I have three exciting things to share. Firstly, for those who preorder Zonderkidz are offering a wonderful Bonus Bundle consisting of three lovely coloring sheets, a signed bookplate and – wait for it…

these gorgeous frame-able prints from the book, created by the amazing illustrator, Aurelie Blanz! Can you imagine how lovely these would look  on your child’s wall?

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Announcing a Three-Book Giveaway of God Made Daddy Special!

Father’s Day is just around the corner. Are you searching for the perfect gift for that special daddy in your life? If so, you might like to enter this three-book giveaway of God Made Daddy Special. sponsored by Zonderkidz.

God Made Daddy Special

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A Three-Book Giveaway of God Made Mommy Special, Just in Time for Mother’s Day…

If you’ve peeked inside the pages of God Made Mommy Special, you’ll have seen the adorable illustrations of eight animal mommies with their babies. This padded-cover board book celebrates the special bond between a mama and her little one, and makes the perfect gift for Mother’s Day.


I’m thrilled to partner with Zonderkidz to give three brand-new copies of God Made Mommy Special away! Here’s your easy-to-enter rules, plus a peek at Mommy Hamster, Mommy Dolphin and Mommy Squirrel, brilliantly depicted by British illustrator Estelle Corke.

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